The Innovation and Implementation Science team is collaborating with ViiV Positive Action for the Paediatric Breakthrough Partnership. The purpose of this partnership is: 1) to end paediatric AIDS in priority locations through supporting the implementation of sustainable and replicable quality package of interventions; and 2) to develop and amplify evidence that a collaborative approach to paediatric HIV services works; and 3) for governments (and other stakeholders) to adopt such an approach.
Paediatric Breakthrough Partnership consists of international partners who are committing to ending paediatric AIDS by 2025. The partners are Aidsfonds, Elizabeth Glazer Paediatric Foundation (EGPAF), United National Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Paediatric – Adolescent Treatment Africa (PATA), ViiV healthcare and convened by ViiV Healthcare’s Positive Action. The partnership is currently implementing elements of the paediatric service delivery framework in specific locations in Mozambique, Nigeria and Uganda.
A hybrid type 3 implementation-effectiveness evaluation will be utilized to capture the two dimensions of focus: 1) the implementation of the SDF package within the PBP context; and 2) the effectiveness of SDF implementation strategies on achieving actual clinical outcomes, primarily HIV testing in addition to locating and linking children, adolescents and pregnant women living with HIV to care.
The study will utilize the Interrupted Time Series (ITS) design and analysis to longitudinally evaluate PBP implementation. The ITS design will involve collection of secondary quantitative data at multiple data points before and after the implementation of PBP activities. The study will utilize a survey with implementers – the core partners and the in-country implementer, national and district level implementation collaborators, and community and institution-based service providers – to collect information specifically to measure the implementation outcomes of acceptability, feasibility, and adoption. In-depth interviews (IDIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) from implementers and clients will be used to gather in-depth information about the SDF implementation package delivery, barriers, and facilitators to implementation and to guide exploration of the quantitative data.
Primary Objectives
- Evaluate acceptability, feasibility, and adoption of implementation strategies in influencing paediatric HIV service delivery outcomes.
- Assess impact on paediatric HIV outcomes in the three selected African countries (Mozambique, Nigeria, Uganda).
- Document lessons learned from how the partnership developed and how they collaborated in order to building a toolkit or best practice guide for other entities interested in forming similar partnerships and multi-level coalitions.
Brenda Okech
Uganda Virus Research Institute – International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (UVRI IAVI)
Clinical sites in three African countries
Uganda, Mozambique, Nigeria
Aug 2020 – Dec 2022
As a part of this project, video-consultation through telemedicine (VCT) is utilized to help to buffer the negative impact of COVID-19 on the HIV treatment cascade in Argentina.
In this study, a retrospective analysis of existing data sources will be completed, allowing for a comprehensive description and evaluation of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on national prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services and on specialised neonatal care at the local level.
This project will examine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of a novel remote service delivery model implemented among young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) who have initiated ART across three clinics in Cape Town, South Africa.
Study focus areas
Our implementation research projects have a global reach and focus on improving the HIV prevention and care continuum.

NP-GBL-HVX-WCNT-220049 October 2023
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